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Connecting The Dots With
Rohaan Goswami
COO, Director of Strategy - Ycenter

Rohaan Goswami

Rohaan Goswami is the COO and Director of Global Strategy at Ycenter. He successfully bootstrapped Ycenter to a client base in 20+ countries and leads the engineering, design & research teams within the company. He also oversees Ycenter's innovation consulting and grassroot development projects in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa regions - creating consumer innovations and supporting ecosystems that cater to UN SDGs such as Quality Education, Good Health & Well-being, Reduced Inequalities and Decent Work & Economic Growth.

Rohaan has collaborated with Fortune 500 organizations, inter-Governmental agencies and impact foundations (United Nations, World Bank, Cisco Foundation, AGRA, Shell Foundation, US Department of Commerce, Abbott Healthcare) to create disruptive, market-facing innovations and programs.

Rohaan believes that the best way to share lessons from the field is using stories. He is frequently invited to talk about Design, Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship at prestigious events and universities around the world (TEDx, IIT Bombay, Indian School of Design & Innovation, ISB Hyderabad, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, GWU Washington DC, MIT Fab Conference).

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