Niharika Goenka - Founder, Bombay
Niharika Goenka is the heart behind this brand. While still a student of nutrition at Columbia University, her lifelong interest in food was sharpened into a singular obsession: to create world-class food products that enrich and enhance lives.
After the success of her first food venture Arugula &Co., This brand was built with the aim to create sustainable and 100% natural food systems, better human health, and of course, delicious food. An embodiment of her love for and fascination with the enticing world of food, the brand reflects just how wholesome and good the food industry can be.
After completing her Masters in Nutrition from Columbia University, Niharika Goenka came home to Bombay, convinced of the idea of an impactful business built sustainable food systems. Three years of running a salad dressing company called Arugula &Co., 804 R&D trials, 69 carefully sourced ingredients, 2.5 years, and 21 explosive condiments later, BOOMBAY is here to satiate your palate like never before.
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